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The holidays are a time for celebration, gathering with loved one’s and enjoying food and drink over lively conversation. The holiday season is one filled with merriment and restricting yourself from your favorite family traditions such as eating sugar cookies in copious amounts on Christmas Eve while you wait for Santa Claus is one that can be hard to pass up. It can also be a challenge to travel to visit one family to another without overeating or feeling overwhelmed by all the delicious food choices. So, how can you eat healthy while still enjoying the thrill of the holiday season? This article will explore some tips and tricks to eating healthy during the busy holiday season.

Enjoy In Moderation
The holidays are a time to enjoy yourself, and food and drink is a way that many people celebrate with one another. You can still enjoy sweet treats and other delicacies by eating in moderation. Another good rule of thumb is to eat smaller portions, on a more frequent basis and by using a smaller plate. You may start to feel like all you are doing is eating throughout the party, but eating smaller portions on a more frequent basis will help you feel well satiated during the event helping you to no longer feel the need to consume large portions during meals.

Add More Vegetables To Your Plate
Dieticians recommend adding vegetables, nuts and other lean protein to your plate before adding sugary pastries and other items that are higher in carbohydrates. Doing so will encourage you to consume fresh foods and eat less processed items that have been put out for sharing. After you have enjoyed your plate of healthy choices, give yourself 10-15 minutes before you help yourself to more food or reach for a sweet treat. This short period of time will allow your brain to catch up with your stomach and let it know that it is full. You may find that after waiting a few minutes you no longer want to eat any more.

Drink Water
Most people struggle to consume the recommended amount of water every day. Drinking 8 cups of water on a normal day may be difficult, but during the holidays it is extra important as you need to stay hydrated since you will likely be traveling, sleeping less and interacting with people more often. When you consume water, you can flush toxins out of your body and help your body feel satiated.

Avoid Going To A Party Hungry
One of the best ways to avoid overeating at a party is to eat a small meal prior to leaving your house. Doing so will ensure that you avoid feasting on your favorite goodies at the party or overeating because you haven’t eaten all day long. Another benefit to having a snack before you go to the party is that you will be amazed at how your mind will focus on engaging in conversation with friends and family instead of thinking about food.

Volunteer To Bring Your Favorite Healthy Dish
One of the best ways to take control of the situation is to volunteer to bring one of your favorite healthy dishes to a holiday party. Doing so will ensure that you are aware of one healthy dish that will be served, and you get to choose what to bring! Sharing is caring, and one of the ways that you can spread joy is by sharing a favorite recipe with your family and friends. If you are unsure of what healthy holiday dish you should bring to your next festive gathering, utilize the DishQuo app. Whether you use the app for daily meal planning or you are a new user, the DishQuo app is full of delicious, creative and easy-to-make recipes that will please any hungry crowd.

While these tips can help you stay on track with eating healthy during the hustle and bustle of the holidays, there are some other things that you can do to stay focused on your goals. Keep up with your normal routine, make exercise a priority and do your best to find activities that don’t revolve around food and drink. By keeping these tips in mind while you enjoy the holidays with friends and family, you will be able to eat healthy and remain consistent with your personal lifestyle choices.